Dental Extraction

Dental extraction (also referred to as exodontia) is the removal of a tooth from the mouth. Extractions are performed for a wide variety of reasons. A tooth, which is very decayed or damaged or loose because of gum disease, may have to be extracted. Children’s teeth are sometimes taken out for orthodontic reason to help the new or remaining teeth grow regularly or without being over-crowded. Having a tooth taken out can end pain and infection and can sometimes be the only way to keep your mouth healthy.

Some teeth are easier to take out than others because of the size, shape, position in the mouth or the shape of their roots. After working out the best way to take the tooth out, your dentist will discuss with you:

- How to anaesthetize the teeth?

- For various types of pain control, whether you should bring someone with you

- When it would be convenient for you to have the tooth removed, if not immediately?

- How long extraction procedure will probably take?

- How your mouth should recover afterwards?

After the tooth is being taken out, you will be able to move your jaw as normal and you may feel some pressure as the tooth is eased out, but not any pain. Afterwards, The Dentist will give you some gauze to bite on to, to stop bleeding. Sometimes, stitches are used to help the mouth heal.

Simple Extractions:

Simple extractions are performed on teeth that are visible in the mouth, usually under local anaesthetic, and require only the use of instruments to elevate and / or grasp the visible portion of the tooth. Basically, the tooth is lifted using an elevator, and using dental forceps, rocked back and forth until the periodontal ligaments has been sufficiently broken and the supporting alveolar bone has been adequately widened to make the tooth loose enough to remove.

Surgical Extractions:

Surgical extractions involve the removal of teeth that cannot be easily accessed, either because they have broken under the gum line or because they have not erupted fully. This type of extractions almost always require an incision to elevate the soft tissues covering the tooth and the bone and may also remove some of the overlying and / or surrounding jawbone tissue with a drill or osteotome. Most of time, Wisdom teeth are removed by surgical extraction procedures. As their size-shape-position and eruption pattern create risk for other teeth with pain & chance of infections.

Sinus Lift Surgery

A Maxillary Sinus floor augmentation procedure is a surgical procedure performed by an appropriately trained dentist or dental specialist to increase the amount of bone in the posterior maxilla or upper jaw bone.

There may be a number of reasons for wanting a greater volume of bone in the posterior maxilla, the most common reason in contemporary dental treatment planning is to prepare the site for the future placement of dental implants. Sinus Lift is performed when the floor of the sinus is too close to an area where dental implants are to be placed. The procedure is performed to ensure a secure place for the implants while protecting sinus. Lowering of the sinus can be caused by – long term tooth loss without the required treatment, periodontal disease, and trauma.