Scaling and Polishing

Scaling removes the hard tartar which forms on your teeth like scale inside a kettle. You can’t remove it just by brushing your teeth. Scaling also removes tapped food and plaque containing millions of germs, which can cause tooth decay and gum diseases. Stains from coffee, tea, cigarettes or red wine are also cleaned away when your dentist polishes your teeth.

There are two ways to scale teeth:
1) Ultrasonic Scalers
These use very fast vibration with water. The water is sucked out of your mouth. Then, hand Scaler is used to check whether the teeth are completely clean.

2) Hand Scalers

These come in different sizes and shapes, to reach different parts of your teeth. This is why you will see the Dentist & / or Hygienist changing instruments quite often.

Tooth Polishing is the act of smoothing the tooth surface. The purpose of polishing is to make it difficult for plaque to accumulate on the tooth surface area. For tooth polishing, commonly used equipment are: Rubber cup, Bristle Brush, Dental tape, Air-Powder Polishing.

Benefits of Scaling and Polishing:

1) Regular Scaling-Polishing, keep your teeth and gums healthy by making it easier for you to keep your teeth clean at home. You should see and feel the difference.

2) If your gums bleed when you brush, you may have early gum disease. Regular helps to stop the s=disease getting worse.

3) Gum disease can cause bad breath, which you can prevent by regular scaling and cleaning your teeth thoroughly at home.

Fissure Sealants

Fissures are grooves in the chewing surface of back teeth. They are difficult to keep clean so there is more risk of decay. Fissures can be sealed with tough plastic like material to protect them. The plastic is runny at first but sets hard, like paint. Sealants may be see-through or tooth-coloured. They are normally only used for children and only on permanent teeth, not on milky teeth. Your Dentist will discuss whether you need sealants. If you do, you will also have to agree which teeth need to be sealed.

Fluoride and Dental Health

Fluoride is mineral that is very effective in protecting teeth against decay. We all have bacteria in our mouths all the time. They live on food that is left in the mouth and produce acids as a waste product. The acids attack the teeth by dissolving the minerals in the tooth surface. Fortunately, there are minerals in saliva, which can mend the teeth when decay first starts, but the repaire process needs fluoride to work properly.

Benefits of Fluorides:

1) Fluoride can help heal early dental decay.

2) Fluoride helps teeth stay healthy and strong.

3) Healthy teeth look better than repaired teeth.

4) You will comparatively need less Dental Treatment.

5) Fluoride also slow down the dentin softening as the age progresses and gives protection against wear and decay substantially.